Planitivela planulata
Original description, by Broderip and Sowerby (1830):
"C. testâ trigonâ, depressiusculâ, subaequilaterali ; angulis inferioribus rotundatis ; pallidè flavicante, radiis numerosis fuscescentibus ; intus albidâ, fusco-violaceo variâ ; dente postico remoto ; long. 1 9/10 poll. lat. 7/10 poll. alt. 1 6/10 poll.
Hab. in littoribus Oceani Pacifici, prope Mazatlan.
A pretty species of Cytherea, which has so much of the general appearance of a Mactra, that it might at first sight be easily mistaken for one. In form it is triangular, nearly equilateral, and somewhat depressed ; its base and lower angles are rounded : it is of a pale yellowish colour, with many diverging fuscous rays : within it is white, varied with brownish violet, and its posterior cardinal tooth is unusually remote."